Lumber prices in North America rose to $666

North American softwood lumber manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, buyers, and end-users all agree that the current supply and demand situation and the resulting dramatic price increases week after week, the future of lumber prices is unknown for all! Sawmills in Canada and the United States are either operating at full capacity or trying to increase production following the implementation of new social distance rules related to COVID-19 restrictions. Meanwhile, us housing - construction, sales, and prices - is heating up. At this time of year, home builders and contractors have ordered and received the wood they need, and the project cycle runs through September. Lumber trader regrets, nobody knows what happened in the end, besides the constant demand! The supplier did not have enough wood on hand to meet the demand. The production orders of sawmills, whether in the west, east, or south, have been scheduled to September in most factories, and even in some factories, the producti...